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Judgment and Decision-Making In the Lab and the World

Second edition coming in 2025



  • Covers an enormous breadth of material in a rigorous and thoughtful manner, remaining accessible without over-simplifying the field
  • Surveys both classic and contemporary research and builds beyond findings from laboratory settings to emphasize real-world application of theory in many different contexts
  • Features learning goals, suggested readings, questions for discussion and detailed walk-throughs of example problems to show how students can apply theory to their own homework, classwork or research
  • Student-focused; includes an array of pedagogical features to bring the subject to life and provides helpful classroom activities for reflection and further study
  • Combines good scholarship with a clear, very easy-to-read writing style
  • Provides extra resources for instructors that can be accessed on the book's Macmillan website: Test bank (multiple choice and essay) written by the textbook author, powerpoint slides, and online resources to supplement teaching


  1. Introduction
  2. Representativeness and Availability
  3. Hindsight Bias
  4. Anchoring and Primacy Effects in Judgment
  5. Mental Accounting and Choice
  6. Schemas and Framework Theories
  7. Expected Utility Theory
  8. Framing Effects and Prospect Theory
  9. Judging Covariation, Contingency, and Cause
  10. Hypothesis Testing and Confirmation Bias
  11. Risk Assessment
  12. Prediction
  13. Belief
  14. Moral Judgment and Cooperation